Hero August 2024 GV
August 2024

Dating & Relationships

This month’s featured section is “Dating & Relationships.” Members share experiences about sober dating and how their relationships have changed since they got to AA. 

Grapevine Daily Quote July 15

“For my sake, as well as the well-being of the women I sponsor, I stay within what I know. I tell them I’m not a mother, sister, favorite aunt, therapist, counselor, guru, spiritual advisor, AA authority, and sometimes not even a friend. I’m just another drunk who didn’t drink and didn’t die...”

“We’ve Got What You Need,” Beaumont, Texas, February 1996, In Our Own Words: Stories of Young AAs in Recovery

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Love & Acceptance

My husband and I are a “boy meets girl on AA campus” love story.


Getting Off The Merry-Go-Round

I always knew I was different. Of course, my mom told me I was loved.


It's Worth the Work

Relationships are hard. I’m not sure if they are harder for alcoholics, but they certainly aren’t easier. 


Hi Mom, It’s Me

Hey, Lauren, it’s Mom.” The voice on the other end of the line was one I knew well. Her low tone had a slight Southern drawl.


3 Guys 4 Miracles

When I first got sober, I had wreckage of my past to deal with. I had warrants out for my arrest, and I was five days away from a final eviction notice.


Lesson Learned

To celebrate my 20th year of sobriety, I attended the Honolulu AA roundup. on the very first day I met someone, and it was lust at first sight. We ended up spending the night together.

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Grapevine Daily Quote July 15

“For my sake, as well as the well-being of the women I sponsor, I stay within what I know. I tell them I’m not a mother, sister, favorite aunt, therapist, counselor, guru, spiritual advisor, AA authority, and sometimes not even a friend. I’m just another drunk who didn’t drink and didn’t die...”

“We’ve Got What You Need,” Beaumont, Texas, February 1996, In Our Own Words: Stories of Young AAs in Recovery


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